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Xeon E3-1246v3

Product number:Xeon E3-1246v3

CPU E3-1246v3
Hard Drive 2x240GB SSD
Bandwidth Unmetered/1GDedicated
IPs 1
Tag Unlimited Traffic
Price $405.00
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DMCA reports sent via email without sufficient proof are generally ignored. In some cases, we will process DMCA or copyright complaints if we deem that enough proof has been provided or if we’re interested in getting the customer’s feedback regarding the complaint.

What does this mean for you?
We have over 10 years of experience in the hosting industry. During that time we’ve learned that this unique DMCA filtering process causes most individuals submitting invalid or fake complaints to give up on their attempt to bring you or your legitimate content down.

With this unique and industry-leading policy, we act as a safeguard and provide hosting you can rely on.